Saturday, April 17, 2010

Becah has a large knife, good lord


EDIT: Oh, I was trying to find a brush to write her name in, and while doing so happened accross one that looked suspiciously like blood and couldn't help myself:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Years writing: AUGH THAT’S HARD! AND THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE MOM SAID LAST NIGHT! But seriously. I don’t know if I’ve ranted enough about it on here, but I used to be a tiny child writer (except I was a tall child. KT(best friend) actually accused me of stealing her growth spurt once. That’s cold KT. That’s cold). My stories rarely made it past two pages. I finished one of them. I still can’t make up a decent plot. Then I switched to comic booking, which is still writing, but harder because you have to draw. Now I’m doing both.
Years total: 8 years
Years writing(not drawing): 3 years
Years drawing(but not considering it writing):2-3
Years of both: 1-2
Years doing things I would dare expose to the unblinking eye of the sun. Or, you know, people: 0
Least favorite character?: Umm…Arin. I guess that’s why he’s not a character anymore. No, I kid, I kid. But honestly, I don’t really dislike any of my characters.
Male or female characters?: Actually it’s surprisingly well balanced overall, though maybe leaning slightly more over into the XX chromosome area.
Oldest character written?: Ingrimm, i.e. the Grim Reaper. Dudes been around since pretty much the beginning of civilization, and they still won’t let him die. He might be contested by Shay, who is immortal and figured out the time stream, but I think Grimm deserves it more. He’s actually had to live with the whole aging process, and is senile, knows he’s being taken advantage of, can’t do anything about it, and he’s still being denied kids.
Longest you've written a character?: Farlons, very closely (if not tied by) Amara
Newest character?: durrp….uh, I’m not sure what her name is…it might have something to do with pine needles…don’t know the next newest character either…um, how about third newest? Reveren (yes, that is his real first name) Nicoli Lennos

Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: …I’ll get back to you on that one
Get drunk and pass out?: Geld. Definitly Geld. Give him a drop of anything relatively alcoholic and he’s out.
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: hi Shay…or actually Kama too…and Arryanna… Pi-Ban if you push him…think that’s it. I need to list all my characters again…
Be far too hyper for their own good?: Too many, lets see…Kaman, Anna, Dimitri, Dev (at times), Seth, Xilven, Ghost, Dexx, Zeypher, Cassi OHMYGOSHCASSI. Okay, question closed. All previous answers disregarded, Cassi is the permanent winner, now and forever.
Be raped?: ffff I dunno
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: Umm, any of them?
Get lung cancer?: Aidan…he’s the only one who smokes actually…of course, I did have this Idea for a story where he has to be killed and have his tissue taken (not in that order though) and both very painfully because he’s the one man on earth who’s immune to cancer, but I disregarded it. Putting ads for henchmen in the paper is expensive, even with the millions that you would make with the freaking ANTIDOTE TO CANCER. I’ll kill him off one of these days, but not that way.
Star in a horror movie?: ummm…Cassi. Best horror movie ever.
Star in a whore movie?: Jac or Vinin (she seems to be a bit of an unintentional slut)
Star in a video game?: Sya. She’s just that sort of just a little bit slutty, bossy, take charge, sharpen those weapons, Amazon who’s good at getting random dysfunctional weirdoes on her side.
Make the world a better place?: Keir-Tache, if he was ever an actual person. As it is he’s completely content to be Linda’s familiar.
Have a torrid gay love affair?: Jac

Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love - Arryanna/Darmis
Hate - Lucretia (though that’s more like self-hate)
Money - Kama
Seduction – Kama again
Lies - Zeypher
Tragedy - Grimm
Manipulation - Arch…that girl has issues. Which really isn’t surprising considering what I did to her what happens to her
Violence – The Paper Man *giggles like a ninny*
Politics – Reuben
Fire – welllllll….Finns got like, super magikal pyro powahs.
Ice – Dimitri, if only because I just got a picture of him in my head stuffig a tray of ice cubes into his mouth

Would you ever...
Write a prostitute?: ha ha ha yeah
Write a musician?: I did a whole cast of musicians in 7th grade. Dawn, Amber, Nim, Mickey, Haydin, Dev gudtiems. Oh, and Darmis can play a mean piano
Write a pilot?: Maybe someday
Write a homosexual?: Yep. I’ve even got a few on the list. Gwin, Becah, Kenny…gad what is my problem with giving my gay characters the opposite sex’s name…it’s not intentional, I swear!
Write a pedophile?: Maybe? That seems like the type of thing I’d figure out only if I had them for a while
Write a politician?: A good one? I wish!
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?: Yes. And it will be female. I need an excuse to draw me sum boobies (this answer stolen from the previous meme-er, but it’s exactly what I would have written so ahm keepin it)
Write a character who commits incest?: Quite possibly.