Wednesday, March 10, 2010

F-R-U-S-Tration, sweeping the nation...(or at least my personal world)

WARNING: this post contains a rant. And not a good one mind you, a whiny, self-centered rant. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. I'm terribly, terribly sorry, but I'm going to put it out here anyways. I promise, the next post will be saturated with (possibly)colorful doodles, drawings and jottings to make up for this.
As the title of this post would imply I am frustrated. I finally have my computer back and running and though thats always good news, there's a bunch of screwy stuff going on. first off is my tablet. Dear, dear tablet. The pen thinks it's the mouse, and the mouse thinks it's the pen, which of course is causing endless confusion. For those of you who don't have a tablet, I'll explain why thats bad. The mouse operates on speed, and the pen operate on actual position on the tablet. Annoying, annoying, annoying.
The colors at also weirding me out as they are about 5 times brighter than I remember them being, and all the pictures are weird and grainy. I can't see if I've actually highlighted anything.
Enough with proving the 14 year old girl stereotype. Back to surfen the web.

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