Saturday, January 9, 2010

CJ-Sama's meme

Here's a cool little meme that I snagged from CJ. It was quite fun, actually, so enjoy!

1. What's your muse?

I’ll let him to the talking here.
I’m not a muse, I’m a motivation, which is exactly what Mi—Lokii? What? Well, if you insist… *rolls eyes* which is exactly what Lokii needs. She’s got all the creativity in the world, she just won’t do anything with it. To be honest the last thing she needs is a muse. First of all, muse’s, motivation’s like myself, whatever you prefer, we’ve all sprung from our artist or writer (in my case she’s both, lucky me, two things I need to nag her about)’s subconscious. Having a muse would, well, muse’s are for getting the creative juices flowing and for idea’s and the like. She’s got all that. For heaven’s sake, this child has super ADHD! She has no end of ideas, though quite a few of them are crap, but she’s so easily distracted. The bottom line here is my job is hard enough without some muse she dosen’t need flitting in and out and not letting her write when it’s gone. –huff-
Me: Well Okay then!
.: Writer bit :.

2. Have you based characters on people you know/met?

Nope. I don’t see the point of creating character’s if I’m just going to stuff traits down their throats instead of letting them develop on their own

3. Have you finished any of your works?

Three off the top of my head, though quite possibly lots more. It all depends on what you consider ‘works’. Janus Bond, a spy spoof, Anim, a semi-short mystery story who’s setting an characters were used again in my NaNo novel, and White Diamond, a gawd awful first novel that I wrote from 3rd to 4th grade that we shall not speak of.

4. How many works have you written?

toooooooooooooooo even begin counting. Even I don’t know.

5. What is the longest story (pages, years devoted to it, and chapters) you've written?

Longest lengthwise (again, not sure here) was The Labyrinth and What Follows, 60K+ words, two months, 84 pages, about 19 chapters, and one 6000 word footnote.

6. What type of stories do you write?

Anywhere from fiction to fantasy. The fiction I write is just fantasy enough to not be considered realistic fiction (thank goodness, I doubt I could bear writing about real life) but I don’t write deep fantasy like “Dragon Lance” either.
And (if I may quote my ‘favorite books section’) I like to write books where the characters have adventures, instead of Allison learning to get over being dumped by her boyfriend while at the same time dealing with her dad’s suicide.

.: Musician bit :.

7. What instruments do you play?

*snort*(I am snorting with laughter, because I am filling out the ‘musician bit’ and I am not a musician in the slightest)
My nose, dearie, my nose

8. Is there anything you want to play?

Hrm…lessee… the Theremin

9. Do you write your own songs? What are they mostly about?

Again, I say unto thee: *snort*
The only time I wrote songs was when the characters who I was working with had a band, and so I decided to try my hand at writing some songs. They were mostly crap, though a couple of them…I’m quite embarrassed to say this, but one of them in particular, I like. Mainly the tune though.

10. Do you have a band?

Again, the only one I can name would be Phantom, the band my characters above started. I mean, it sort of counts. I was the one doing all the real work there

.: Artist bit :.

11. What type of art do you make?

Any kind I want

12. Has your art been in an art show?

Yep, it’s been in the Art Fair a couple times, it’s been on show at school, and at our Art Center several times

13. Have you drawn anything for a friend?

‘Course. What fun is drawing when you can’t draw odd, confusing images on the birthday cards of friends? (the answer is still a lot. I now call them (or at lease Danny) and sing obnoxious birthday songs. This year I accidentally called a day early and had to stop after about 5 seconds later. Luckily for me, it was Danny’s coach’s birthday, and Danny had his number, so I called his coach and sang an obnoxious song. I think I may have been on speaker phone too. Hmm)

14. On a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate your art?
Pfft, not a clue dearie, not a clue. It’s all relative, the quality differs from piece to piece, and add that to the fact that I drew it and therefore can only see it’s flaws…heck if I know!

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