Friday, January 1, 2010

And a Happy New Year!

Here’s hoping your 2010 (it feels so weird to have that ‘1’ there) is safe, happy, and healthy. Mine too of course :D

Has anyone else made a new year’s resolution? I made one last year, but…it didn’t work out. Aside from the fact that I’m never able to keep them anyway, this one kind of crashed and burned. Badly. We’re talking 2nd degree burns people. I really shouldn’t, but I can’t resist. I’ve resolved to (as of now) be more motivated in this 2010 especially about writing.

That’s it…niccccccee and vague. –evil grin- Perfect.

And now, because, well, because I want to, and technically speaking this is actually writing. It’s still kinda procrastination, but in a way it can be called ‘character development’…wait a minute.

Oh, and I should probably tell you what it is too.

So now, (drum-roll please) here’s the resolutions my some of my characters would make. :D Let’s see who can keep theirs ;):

Faintly Macabre:

Rachel Garza: I resolve to…I dunno, be more decisive. Yes. No. Wait. No, I kid, I kid. Uh, lessee, I resolve to be less impulsive. Think about the consequences of things before I do stupid stuff. Then I’ll do the stupid stuff :D

Lenora Garza: You know Rachel, just because you parents are ghosts doesn’t mean we want you to be too -shakes head- I guess it’s a start. I resolve to get things done around the house more. Be more motivated in the things I do. I’m going to stop wasting time, and that way I’ll have more time for myself :)

Russ Garza: Oh wow, you actually had one before, didn’t you… hrm, I guess I resolve to stop scaring the, uh, sherbet out of drunks whenever I see them go by. Just when they annoy me.

Lenora: -rolling eyes- honestly, you two…

Warren Holloway: I, uh, I guess I resolve to be more…sociable..? Oh, and get better with working with things with triple synchronized pistons*. Or get better. Actually, you know, I think I’ll just do that.

Becah Nightshade: Do I really have to do this? Ugh, I guess maybe I should resolve to be more…tactful? Aw, **** it. It’ll never work…

Marla Sorenson: I’ll smile. Or laugh. Or, oh, I don’t know, do something cheerful. How about a joke?

Becah: For some reason I know I’m going to regret this but sure. Shoot.

Marla: Alright, alright, um, lets see, what goes ‘scratch, scratch, pop’?

Becah: You got me, what?

Marla: A kitten in a pottery kiln! :D

Becah: … D8

Everyone else: …D8 …

Demon Lord Foreii: -falls over laughing-

Marla: oh screw this…

The Grim Reaper: I resolve to try to improve my memory so I can make sure none of my loved ones are swindled into any more fiendish plots because I forgot to do something. Mind you, it’ll be a bit hard considering I CAN’T EVEN FREAKING REMEMBER HOW OLD I AM AND THEY WON’T LET ME DIE BECAUSE I’M APPARENTLY ‘DEATH ITSELF’ AND…( goes off on a rant )

Marla: Great. Well now you got him started. You’ve got to remember, he’s basically an old man (albeit one with a lot of upper arm strength) who’s been denied grand children for a bit too long and who can’t physically die. It’s a bit frustrating, as you can imagine. I’ll bet it’s bad for him too.**

Foreii, Demon of the Final Sentence: I guess I should resolve to be less dramatic. At least when I’m doing important things. And maybe I should check out Peter’s Evil Overlord list too…

Plot: I pwomis to exist! ***

One of the General Concepts: -sheepishly-Yeah, I promise I’ll try to be less like Bleach. It’s not intentional, I swear!

Oh, and because it’s a meme I have to add instructions:
Take the cast of characters from one WIP (work in progress) that you have. List them and what their new year’s resolutions would be/are:
see above
Okay, now this is the place where most memes say ‘tag some people’, but I’ve always hated that part, so instead, I want you to make up some reason why you can’t be bothered to tag people. Make it good too. If you want to do it, then please, go ahead.

*I am not mechanically minded whatsoever. I have no idea what triple synchronized pistons are, or even if they exist or are hard to work with. Pleasedonteatme.

** The Grim Reaper is Marla’s boss.

*** Yes, my plot has a speech impediment. Do you have a problem with that? No, really, do you? We’re taking a poll.

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