Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This Post has a Split Personality

I'm rather proud of the world right now. It's been a week I think since Haiti's big earthquake, and since then I've seen people helping. My youth group is going to have a dance to raise money for the people there (the 'Shake for the Quake'), my school has already started making pins and things and selling them to raise money, and the army is helping to get the earthquake victems fresh water.
People are doing what they can to help. And it's making a difference.
I've always been skeptical about countries lending helping hands to other countries. Sure, you can raise money or have mission trips and build houses, but it seems like it never makes a big difference. But I think that this time a diffrence is being made.
I doubt I'm really convaying how I feel right now, but I'm proud of you world, of how you havn't sat back in your recliner and said 'Oh, those poor devils, thats just awful. Say honey, whats for dinner?" about this.
Believe me when I say that nothing will make me angrier than that, especially when I do it.
It's strange to see that hope n'stuff can come from something like this.
World, we're doing well. Let's try to keep it up
Oh, and aside from that, I've got some trivial stuff to blather on about.
Mainly Computer Tech class. I like it alot more than our comp tech class in middle school. It consisted of us learning to type, somthing that had happened over three years ago, but we still had to do every year. I hated it so very much.
There was no talking, whispering, slouching, not looking at the computer screen, not having the hateful orange plastic covers ironically dubbed 'speed skins' on out keyboards or being on anything but the typing program (i.e- internet, microsoft word).
If you had the nerve to talk, whisper, slouch, look at your fingers/the clock/your neighbor's computer screen, have the 'speed skin' off or be on something other than they typing program, you would be yelled at by our teacher and possibly have your computer privleges revoked (this included the typing program, meaning that you effectivly failed the class, and the teacher would be angry with you again), who could see everyone from where she sat. The same things would happen to you if you dared to not sit in your assigned seat or if you didn't push your chair in.
I shed no tears over leaving this class for high school.
This year, we're tyoing again, but we're also learning things like powerpoints, browsers, excel, and Carpel Tunnel Syndrom (no, really. I just finnished a paper on it). I also like where I sit. I sit right in the back of the classroom, and from where I sit, I can see a bunch of the other computer screens.
Whats that?
Ha! Not a chance. I'm merely curious.
Why no, what did curiousity do?
Your cat?! Well I'm terribly sorry to hear that!
*cough* Sorry about that.
I wouldn't consider myself nosy, it's not like I evesdrop or the like, but I am curious like that, and seeing what other people are doing at their computer's when I know they're not going to be doing anything too creepy holds intrest with me.
Okay, I don't think I really have anything left to say. For now at least.


  1. Ha! I love the post's title!!!

    On a different note...

    The world has kinda shaped up for Haiti, hasn't it? That's good news. It would be a tad disappointing if a bunch of world powers seized the opportunity and conquered Haiti. My Youth Group is having a garage sale. Not quite a dance, but...a garage sale.

    Cool blog!

  2. Thanks! :D
    and, yeah I agree about the world powers thing. I really expected people to just not care and this to become another thing that people read about in their history books at school and say 'those jerks' Thanks for proving me wrong, humanity!
