Monday, February 1, 2010

insert witty title as needed

I need to start updating this again. I really do. I never suspected people would actually read my little ramblings, but apparently four people are at least pretending like they are. Go you guys! Nothing has really been happening lately. Thats not true though. My friend had a birthday party (here's her page: ) at which there was much fun, hilarity and I made a (tiny) pizza with sauce, cheese, gummy worms and cookies. It was one of the most disgusting things I've ever eaten. Imagine that warm pizza-y goodness, along with that sour sugery gummie goodness. They come together to create sour, chew pizza. The cookie part was okay, but we had a hard time getting the thing out of the pan. The gummies had melted and hardened, but they wern't half bad. They were about 70%-80% bad. If the concentration on alcohol in beer is the concentration of sugar in normal candy, this stuff was like mouthwash. Guh.
Hmm...still not long enough. How about I rant about how we're all slaves to socks? Okey-dokey then. Really. Think about it. If we don't wear socks, we get a weird foot funges from our shoes. If we don't wear our shoes then we can't go into places that we really need to be, like the doughnut shop or -- Gotta go again. I'll finnish this up when I get back from school. Tcheuse!

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Wow. Today was kind of brutle. I can barely remember this morning. I have to type up a script now. Bye.

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