Sunday, February 14, 2010

Qwerty ate a Deer

First things first (a special message that's important, brought to you by the department of redundancy department, who are responsible for the first three words of this post): the title of this post has nothing to do with it's content. I've been getting a bit tired of making them have something to do with the content, so I may just title these the same way I title my Word or Excel thingies, er, documents.

Second things second: I have found the most wonderful Valentines day** cards. Evah. Also, they are wildly inappropriate. I loves them so. Okay, well, if you're mind is as perverted as mine, then not that perverted. Hee hee. Give these to all you're friends, stalkers, random people in the park, special someone or your gerbil*, though, like the creator (the amazing Nicole Chartrand, who can be found here: . Go there!) I don't suggest giving them to people who's good opinion you want.
I'll stop rambling now, Here they are:

(to get larger, printable versions, just right click on the picture and drag it up to the tab bar)
*Actually, your gerbil would get the most use out of them, especially if you print them out on nice, thick, cardboard. I mean, seriously. Your friends will either laugh and throw it out, tape it to their locker maybe, but eventually throw it out. You're special someone will slap you depending on how well they can take a joke. Your gerbil however will get some a nicely perverted Valentines day message, as well as keep their ever growing teeth in check.
Seriously though. Give them to your friends. I know I am.


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