Sunday, February 14, 2010

Meme! Now with Lemon Scent!

yeah, I know I just posted, but I wanna put this up here too. Enjoy. fdes
Na-na-na-na-Note(!): In this meme, there is smoking. Smoking is a bad thing. Aidan is an idiot in general, but doubly so for smoking. Just putting that out there. Stay in school kids. :(

1) Twi- read Lucretia's couple of sentances.
2) Lotte Vergrin- Almost motherly amazon. Treasure hunter.
3) Naren- Lesser Demon and general nusence to society.
4) Arin Huvan- a petty, semi-peace keeper and werewolf. Often seen tryign to do the right thing.
5) Lucretia Small-Superstitious messenger from a small mountion villiage. After bing attacked by a posession spirit, she lost all her memories and Twi's personality began to develop. It is unknown if Lucretia is actually in there somewhere
6) Ivaniss Wisst- Sarcastic, short, elf. Bannished from her homeland. Don't ask her about it.
7) Robert Pendragon- an evil (yet practical) genius. Wears glasses.
8) Ivory- Henchwench (like a hench man, but for women) of Robert. She and Aidan don't get along.
9) Aidan- Henchman of Robert. Likes guns. Smokes.
10) Agent Carter- the sadistic and sarcastic head of the spy agency. Most known for striking fear into the hearts of all. Often seen being the constant bane of street festivals.
NOTE: Because things like cars, email and karaoke do not exsist in Twi, Naren, Arin, Lucretia, Lotte and Ivaniss’s world, this meme will be set in present day, or at least Robert Pendragon &co.’s world and numbers one through six won’t question why

1.) [3]Naren is in need of advice from [5]Lucretia, what is it?
Naren- Oh hey, Lulu, I—
Lucretia- *hair turns to fire, skins melts off face, and she grabs Naren by the neck and whispers scarily*I’ve told you never to call me that. * throws Naren against a wall and storms off*

2.) [1]Twi, [2]Lotte, and [6]Ivaniss all have a crush on [4]Arin.
-snerk- -chortle- Bwahahahah!
Arin- Hey! It could happen!
Ivaniss- no. It really couldn’t

3.) [8]Ivory is working as a waiter/waitress and just spilt coffee over [2]Lotte.
Oh God! I’m so sorry ma’m! Here let me get you some napkins, I’m so so sorry! It’s not you’re fault, you’re fine…nothing really. Just apologizing and stained armor.

4.) [10]Agent Carter accidentally sent an e-mail to [7]Robert saying their inner darkest secret.
Robert’s mind would get the blue screen’o death for a while as his brain tried to process everything, but really, that level of fear (far greater than even being chased by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks and the floor is newly waxed) is impossibly for mortal man to feel, so all he would get is a pathetic little tingling. He would come out of the experience with new fear for Carter. He will also know the real reason why the stock market crashed, why Hitler was expelled from art school, and why the cubs haven’t on a game in the history of ever.

5.) [9]Aidan is throwing a party and only invites odd numbers. How does the party turn out?
That would be an interesting party. The Henchman of an evil genius throwing a party where he invites a brainwashed innocent, a lesser demon, the person who the brainwashed innocent used to be before she became brainwashed and innocent, and his boss. Rob would try to examine the time paradox that was before him in the form of Twi and Lucretia, but that wouldn’t work out because Twi is distracted by the lights and sounds, and Lucretia (who is an angry drunk) is buzzed and being surly. Naren would get completely drunk and invite Lucretia, Twi, and Aidan (who Naren is mistaking for a girl) to do shots off his chest. Twi would ask Rob what Naren meant, Rob would get a bit awkward, Aidan would glare at Naren and go off to smoke and Lucretia would bean Naren with a drink tray. Being a lesser demon and an embodiment of chaos and liking the feisty ones, Narne would fight back, but eventually be locked in a closet. After that, Robert would start trying to interview Lucretia and Twi again. Lucretia, who is thoroughly POed by now, shoves Robert in the closet with Naren and leaves with Twi. Naren meanwhile, thinking it’s …well, anyone but Robert, drunkenly flirts with him for about while before barfing on Rob and either falling asleep/passing out in Robert’s lap (it’s a small closet). Robert resumes banging on the closet door and yelling “Aidan! Get in here and unlock this door! He just threw up on me! Aidan!” Aidan meanwhile, is out smoking. When he finally comes back in, he hears his boss and opens the door to find Robert glaring at him, splotched with demon barf, and Naren who’s still unconscious. Aidan is a bit awkward and apologizes, they throw Naren out to the curb and Robert tells Aidan what he thinks of his party guests. Aidan says something about at least he liked one of them. Robert- What?
Aidan- Well, you were locked in a closet with him. To be honest I never really pegged you as the kind who, well, yeah. But, hey! It’s cool! I don’t discriminate. I guess this explains the ex-wife. I always wondered why you got the divorce, I mean, if you don’t mind me saying but she was hot.
Robert- …Aidan, I’m no—
Aidan- no, really it’s cool!
Robert- Aidan, I’m not gay.
Aidan- Oh…oh! I see. Still in the closet…no pun intended sir. Do your parents know?
Robert- Aidan, I’m not gay. You however, are an idiot. By the way, tomorrow it’s your turn to feed the leopard. Also, I divorced my ex-wife because she was a conniving, ill-tempered shrew of a woman who—
Aidan- NOT THE LEOPARD! ANYTHING BUT-*starts coughing and eventually hacks up a lung*
Robert- Yes aidan, the leopard.-steps over lung and leaves-

Hot day-um! I wanna go to that party!

6.) [4]Arin is locked in a closet with [6]Ivaniss at a party, what happens?
They decide that if they bang on the door people will with not hear them or assume that people are getting rowdy in the closet, and so they decide to play gin until the party’s over and then, once everyone’s gone and the parties over they’ll bang on the door so that just one person thinks that they were making out (or worse) instead of a bunch of people.
This probably doesn’t seem like the best idea, but they both love gambling, something that Lotte doesn’t like them doing.

7.) [2]Lotte just caught [3]Naren stealing cookies from the cookie jar.
Lotte: Gimmie some you hog.
Naren: -hands over a stack-

8.) [8]Ivory cranked up the music really loud at night and woke up [9]Aidan. What music is it and what happens next?
It is ‘Just a Girl’ by No Doubt, and he fires his gun at the CD player and yells at Ivory to keep it down, they’re supposed to be keeping watch for Carter’s spies. Then they start arguing about how sleeping is not keeping watch and how its quiet and how some people snore and they do this until Pendragon hears them though the reinforced steel walls of this evil lair and comes out to yell at them and spray them both with a squirt bottle. Then, a half hour later it would start up again because Aidan would realize that it was his CD player Ivory had been using.

9.) [7]Robert and [1]Twi are both at the bus stop together and it’s raining. What kind of conversation would they start?
Robert would be waiting and Twi would come out from a dinar and wait by the bus stop too, but with no umbrella. Robert would see her and ask Twi if she had an umbrella and she would say how she liked it better this way. They would end up talking in metaphors, adding onto it until it’s the most deep thing you’ve ever heard, and neither of them really know what they’re talking about anymore. Then Robert’s bus would get there and he would start to board. Twi would see the bus and head on back to the dinar. Robert would ask her if she was getting on the bus. She would reply no, she had just thought it looked like he could use some company. Once in the bus, and after checking to see if he still had his wallet, he would think about her and wonder if she had even been real or just some lost spirit. Technically she is, nobody knows it.

10.) [10]Agent Carter is hitchhiking by a road until [5]Lucretia accompanied with [1]Twi drive by, will they pick him/her up, or will 10 steal their car and leave them stranded instead?
Twi (who’s driving from the party because Lucretia’s buzzed and as we all know, buzzed driving is drunk driving) picks up Carter despite Lucretia saying they shouldn’t. At first Carter tries to commandeer the car but Lucretia glowers at her and points to the back. ‘Sit’. Recognizing kindred spirit, Carter does it without too much protest and they continue driving until Twi drives the car into a ditch ten minutes later, because, you know, Twi barely knows what a car even is.

11.) [9]Aidan, [7]Robert, and [4]Arin all run into each other after coming out from the same romance movie at the movie theater, what are their reactions?
Arin doesn’t have a clue who the other two are, and goes about his merry, slightly more in touch with his feminine side, way to go eat ice cream and have a good cry. Aidan and Robert run into each other and after a very awkward moment of staring and judging the other, they agree to never speak of it again.

12.) [5]Lucretia and [10]Agent Carter are forced to sing a duet song at karaoke. What is their reaction and are they at all good?
Ok, let’s set the scene: Twi, Lucretia and Carter have just crashed a car that was probably not theirs to begin with outside someplace that has karaoke. Carter and Lucretia go in to find directions and leave Twi with the smoking wreckage of the car to think about what she’s done. In reality she’s playing with the wires and has got the radio work by a complete accident. When Carter and Lucretia go in, they’re forced to go up, Lucretia protests and probably would have hit someone with a drink tray, except Carter (who I guess is on a mission or something) knows that the sooner they sing, the sooner they can leave and she can get back to work on her mission, plus she’s an attention hog and her singing voice isn’t half bad. So, she drags Lucretia up to the stage, and Lucretia, recognizing a kindred spirit through the haze of alcohol, sings too. Carter actually sings pretty well, Lucretia…well, for being buzzed she doesn’t do half bad…at least until she falls off the stage and decides she’d rather lay there. Carter doesn’t really care and is busy getting her groove on and completely steals the show.

13.) [6]Ivaniss and [8]Ivory have the same ticket for a seat at a football game, what do they do about it and who gets the seat?
Ivaniss: What, Oh screw this. Here, take my ticket and the seat. I don’t even know what I’m doing here. I hate football already and they haven’t even been playing for five minutes. Gah. –walks off, and curses when she steps in something sticky-
Ivory:-takes ticket and watches Ivaniss leave- …THANK YOU SHORT MYSTERY WOMAN! –crowd cheers and Ivory’s head snaps back to the game and she starts cheering too-
For the rest of the game, Ivory would ponder her good luck at sneaking into the super bowl and getting a ticket thrown at her by a short mystery woman.

14.) [3]Naren gets to choose anyone from 1 to 10 to dance with at the prom, who would it be and what would their and everyone else’s reaction be?
Everyone would line up and Naren whould choose Lucretia. Right after this, Aidan would leave, Robert would go (red faced) off to build something explosive, Carter would be a bit miffed that someone had been chosen over her, but not really care enough about Naren to do anything but toss her hair over a shoulder, plus she has a mission to finnish so she leaves too. Meanwhile, Lotte &co haven’t really been paying attention, and Lotte is asking Twi where she was last night and where Ivaniss and Arin went off to, and no one is really paying attention to Naren. Then Naren finds out that Lucretia is asleep with a slight hangover in the Waveland café in Boonville, Iowa for heavens sake and so he chooses Ivory instead. Ivory then tells him okay, but that she has pepper spray and a magnum in her car so he’d better not try anything funny.

15.) Everyone is celebrating New Year’s Eve, what are they all doing?(because this has sort of being connected, I’m just going to answer the ‘what are they all doing’ part)
Twi- After going to a party that got out of hand, stealing Aidan’s neighbor’s car, crashing it in a ditch in Boonville, Iowa outside the Waveland café and hotwiring the radio, she got bored and went inside, where she found Lotte and began to explain what she had been doing that night. Sometime during that explanation, she would have seen Robert and gone out to keep him company.
Lotte- She didn’t do too much. She went to the Waveland to get some coffee but the waitress spilled over her. Then she saw Naren who was stealing cookies. Too tired to stop him, she just made him give her some and ate them while listen to a couple girls do karaoke. Well, at least until one of them fell off the stage. The one who was still singing didn’t seem to notice.
Naren-After being abused by Lucretia in the first question, he went to a party and saw that she was there again. Liking the feisty ones and alcohol, he got locked in a closet with someone (it gets a bit fuzzy after that) and waking up outside, to find that small children were poking him with sticks. Not having anything else to do, he started walking down the road until he came to a café called the Waveland where he stole some cookies, saw Lotte who demanded cookies, and watched some idiots do karaoke until lo and behold) he saw the very girl who he was currently creeping on. He never saw he fall of the stage though, he was talking with Lotte.
Arin-After going to a party with Ivaniss the two of them accidentally to locked in a closet and played cards until it was over, which was a surprisingly short amount of time. He and Ivaniss then parted ways and he decided that with his winnings he would go see a movie. Unfortunately, only a sappy romantic movie was playing, so he went do see it. When he came out he decided that he would very much like to go eat ice cream and cry, so he shifted to wolf form and ran through the woods until he found a promising looking place, the Waveland café, and went in to eat ice cream and cry.
Lucretia- After getting a bit buzzed at a party, she took Twi and they got in a car, picked up a hitchhiker, crashed outside a café, somehow ended up singing karaoke and then she fell off the stage. She doesn’t remember too much after that.
Ivaniss- Went to a party, got locked in a closet and gambled with Arin for a shorter time than expected. When Arin went to see a movie, she decided to go to a football game whose’s ticket had mysteriously appeared in her pocket…and then she, Robert, Aidan and Ivory were magically transported to the Waveland Café. Yeah.

16.) What is everyone’s reaction now that this quiz is over?
Twi- that was fun! Lets do it again!
Lotte- that was boring
Naren- that was weird.
Arin- *sniff* *eats more ice cream*
Lucretia- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ivaniss- this has been a waste
Robert- -eyes narrow as he glares at Lokii- I hate you.
Ivory- This was..interesting. At least I got to see the superbowl
Aidan- You got to see the superbowl?! How? I just got mistaken for a girl by you’re drunken date!
Carter- Best mission I’ve been on in a while! >:D
Lokii- Hmm. Pretty fun. I got kinda bored

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