Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I love memes. They are nature (or the Internets) perfect procrastination tool for writers and artist. I can put off shoveling the driveway (this is like the third time too. Every time we get it cleared off it snows again. My love of winter remains though) and call it character development. Wonderful.

So, Warren…
1) What gender are you?

A boy. 0_o isn’t is obvious?

2) What is your age?
about 15, though I would be wrong

3) Do you want a hug?
-suspicious look- that depends on who you are…

4) Do you have any bad habits?
-shrug- Everyone does. Personally, I chew my nails and forget to take care of my scythe every night

5) What is your favorite food?
hmm, that’s a hard one…I’d have to say apple pie.

6) What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
ice what?

7) Are you a virgin?
-mildly offended- I’m fifteen, lackwit, of course I am. I know in your world or time or whatever people are haveing kids when they're eleven, but here we tend to keep our pants on. -thinks back to reaper company christmas party- well, at least I do.

8) Have you killed anyone?
(Lokii- oh boy, get ready for a rant…)
Well, er, I’ve never actually killed someone, well not really, I mean, they’re already dead…I’m just helping to detach their soul’s from the earth so they can go to the afterlife. But, then there are also the people who try to cheat death, and them, I mean, they’ve already died…I’m just helping nature take its course. Usually killing is a direct violation of nature, but if you’re coming back from the dead, than that’s just as much of a violation, and so when I, uh, well, kill them I guess, again, well, there isn’t a moral discrepancy attached. So I guess I’ve killed a few people, but I wasn’t doing anything horrible by it.

9) Do you hate anyone?
not really. Should I? I mean, there are a bunch of people I don’t like, but, and not to sound cliche, but when you think about it, hate actually is a strong word

10) Do you have any secrets?
none that I’m going to tell you –sticks out tongue-

11) What is your favorite season?
Autumn. I love it. Everything is really beautiful, the bugs start disappearing, and there’s All Hallow’s Eve. One top of that, reapers are required to wear black for some God forsaken reason, and in Autumn it finely gets cool enough that we’re not fainting all over the place

12) Who is your best friend(s)?
Uh, Rachel Garza

13) What are your hobbies?
Reading, making things, tinkering, and a little bit of tomfoolery

14) What is your favorite drink?
-shrug- spiced cider is always good.

15) When is your birthday?
August 18th. I think.

16) What age did you die?
uh, I’m not dead yet…

17) Are you nice or mean?
I’d say I’m nice, but there could be people out there who think that I’m mean. It’s all relative really

18) Are you social or shy?

19) What do you think of your parents?
I don’t have parents. When I was little I and my parents were in an awful train wreck. They died. Becah Nightshade, she’s another reaper, but she’s older than me, came around to see if there were any souls that needed help of ghosts that were going to cause trouble and she found me. I somehow hadn’t died, I was pretty beat up though, and I could see the ghosts.*(*note, in this world, about 30% of people can see ghosts. It’s a genetic thing) Stamina and the ability to see spirits are the two main requirements to be a reaper, and so with no were else to go (or so she says. She could have always just left me at a hospital) she brought me back to Marla and Grimm and so they said that Becah might as well train me. Becah’s more like an older sister really though, the closest things I have to parents are Mr. and Mrs. Garza

20) What's your weakness?
Um, poison, gaping wounds, the usual stuff. Oh, you wanted specific things? See Question #10

21) How long can you stay under water?
Not very long, only like 2 minutes, and that’s only because of conditioning

22) What do you do on a regular daily basis?
reap souls

23) Do you love someone?
Sure I do, Becah, Rachel, Mr. and Mrs. Garza, the list goes on. However, none of those are love in a romantic way. I love people, but I’m not in love with anyone.

24) When was the last time you wet your self.
…why do you care?

25) What's your favorite band?
Well, in my world the bands you know about don’t exist, but to be completely OOC, Lokki say’s I would like Abney Park, whoever they are

26) Ever worn a dress?
Yes, and it was for all hallow’s eve okay, so shut up

27) Willingly?
again, yes

28) What do you consider fun in the day-time?
hanging out with friends, general tomfoolery

29) At night?
sleeping and not getting told at 2 in the morning that I need to go get rid of a violent poltergeist

30) Ever kissed anyone?
well, no

31) ...Of the same gender?

32) What’s your favorite thing to touch?
I’m sorry, but that just sounds so perverted I can’t even think of something

33) Does anyone love you?
again, not romantically, but I sure hope so

34) Whats your favorite colour?

35) When was the last time you cried?
…can’t remember

36) Do you have a pet?
no, but I have a scythe

37) What did you name your pet?
I haven’t named it. It’s always struck me as a bit stupid to do that.

38) Are you crazy?
not that I know of

39) What are you?
Warren Holloway, a friend, an employee, a hindrance, a help, an intellectual, the youngest reaper to date, an avid reader, a reaper, a… (goes on for 5 more minutes)

40) What´s the end of your own story?
Heck if I know

41) What´s your nickname?
Mmm, I don’t really have one

42) Do you consider yourself a happy or a down person?
I’d say happy

43) What animal would you say is most like you?
I’m going to be self glorifying and say an owl, because they’re smart (or at least they symbol of wisdom) as well as accomplished, deadly and silent hunters. I’m sure though, that everybody I know has reasons and examples of why I’m not any of those things so all of you can stuff it.

44) Tag Some People:
If you're reading this, then you've been tagged

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Grand Tale Indeed

I, Lokii Fish, am going to write a short story this afternoon. Once it is done, I shall post it here for all to view. It shall have in it:

- A character will get dressed
- During it, they will find a long lost relative
- It must have a chimera
- it must involve musical pipes
- it is set during a day off
- It will end in a desecrated temple
- it must involve a trident

All of this is courtesy of Seventh Sanctum's writing challenge generator. Fun place. I suggest you all go have a looksee:

Note: I probably won't finish it this afternoon, but I'll sure as heck will try
Note: There is no guarantee that it will be any good what so ever
I'm lazy, okay? If you want someone who actually gets things done, go check out Patience over at Quilted Story
EDIT: Okay, this prolly won't be up here for a while actually. Not only had school kicked in, but her sister turned out to not be a compleat air head, and so now she can no longer escape in the middle of the night down the river.

I'm cold, but victorious

I have just come inside from an epic ninja battle with my little brother. He was the rat clan (who had a bunch of natural resources, i.e.- the patio with the grill, table, chairs, smoker..., in their territory) and I was the boar clan (I even gave myself a tattoo) who had a lot of land, but it was all frozen icy tundra. Anyways, we had a peace/friendship treaty, but my people starved and his people did nothing to help, so there was a war. I won. It was pretty awesome. Yeah.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Abney Park (A Public Service Announcement)

I have just been introduced to the band Abney Park. I am amazed, and slightly appalled, that it has taken 14 years for me to be told about them. If you have never heard of them, you need to go listen to them right now. My gosh, they're awesome. Okay, I need to go back to outlining now. But OH EEM GEE, they have violins!(!!) I'm never able to find violin music. THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Foreii, Demon of the Final Sentence

here are some sketchy, grundgy speedpaints of everybody's favorite antagonist: Demon Lord Foreii.

the first one is just a headshot, with all his hair blowing around. The second one actually has a story. Sort of. When drawing it, I found out that he has/had a wife. She was human, but had a dark, almost evil aura about her. Ironically, and having nothing to do with the story, she was incredibly macabre. And from some well-to-do family. She became bored with it all, and she she decided to kill herself. she was hanging herself on that tree when she first met Foreii. he'd known about her for a while, what with her dark aura (even as I'm writing it, it sounds silly) and watched her hang. She was short, didn't weigh too much and so it took a long time for her to die. After a while, she became scared and didn't want to die anymore. That's when Foreii stepped out.
If you're thinking that he helped her, you're even more of a hopeless romantic than I am.
He taunted her, because of course, she had made sure there was no escape (the branch goes out over the sea, so there's no going back) and teased her about brining about her own painful death. She then died, and (as he is the demon lord of condemnation) her spirit came to him for judgement. She throttled him (well, her soul/ghost did)and killed him twice(demons can die, they just don't stay dead for more than 2 minuets). And so, for her eternal punishment, he decided that she would be his wife. He likes 'em fiesty I guess.
So anyway, eventually they fell in love, and they would hang innocents from that same branch, and watch as the sun went down.
eventually she may have become a demon herself. Or, she may have been banished to some plane of exsistance where freedom has no meaning.
Here, he's hanging someone by himself, though I'm not sure why his wife's not there. Maybe she was bannished.
Either way, their a cute couple.
Ooh!Ooh! and, she has nothing to do, whatsoever, with the story. I don't think she's even in it.

Artsies =3

I was looking at my blog and I noticed it looked rather drab, so I decided to get some of my character designs for Faintly Macabre down (book I'm writing, or rather, outlining) and mess with some different brushes. And yes, that is Warren's enormous cowlick, not a strange new growth.

NOTE: my computers been doing weird things when I try to sign into blogspot, and so today I enlisted my dad to help. He got it fixed, and also found out that I have a blog. My mom didn't know either. This is because I didn't tell anyone.
They asked me why, and if it was weird and I said that it might be (weird), but that's because I'm writing this based on the assumption that nobodies reading it.
My dad then compared this to streaking in your basement.
That, dear readers (no, this is not contradictory. It is merely me when I pretend you're reading. Yes, you.) is the bast comparison I have heard all year. Best one I've ever heard in my life in fact. But the real question is does that make you, the (possibly imaginary) reader feel awkward?
(remember, in this comparison, you are the creepy people who are peeking through the windows, watching me streak in the basement)
YET ANOTHER NOTE: oh, and yes, Marla can talk without opening her mouth. She's just that cool

Friday, December 25, 2009

Townsfolk=evil incarnate= ><((((º> ???

Hey, look, I'm posting :D
but anyways...
so, a couple nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night. This happens to me a lot. I know there are a bunch of insomniacs, people who can't fall asleep, but I wonder if I'm the only one who will wake up during ungodly hours of the night and can't get back to sleep?
It's annoying. Though, this specific time a couple nights ago, I decided that I was going to do something constructive with my time, so from 1:45 AM to 4:55 AM, I wrote a plot outline.
Something I'm noticing now that I'm typing it up is that, well, my towns people are evil. Just look:
- Superstitious townsfolk afraid, and so decide to sacrifice baby to appease spirits
o Leave it on doorstep

... 0_o
and it's not just in this story. In almost every other story I've written/drawn that has small, rural villages in it, the people who live in them are they types of people who, when something is new or different, (usually in reaction to my main characters though) they respond with torches, pitchforks, and rally around the cry of "Not like us!" They're also really superstitious. Always. I dunno if it's just a reoccurring plot device or what,, I'm going over some of my other stuff. My townsfolk are just evil. There's no other way to put it.
I'm not complaining about this or anything, I actually kinda like how I tend to write, violent, superstitious, arsonistic (what? dude, that's totally a word), unaccepting towns. I think it adds character. After all, The Lottery is a classic, and horrible townspeople is their whole plot. That and the whole, town lottery thing.
Still, in case you ever get stuck in one of my books, I suggest that if you are anything but the most normal person ever and a cousin of at least two people in town, to not stay in any small, rural towns.
Because that's totally something that would happen.
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! For christmas today I got these absolutly amazing gloves. They're knit, dark red, and the fingers are left open. They're like hobo gloves, except they're nice and they go almost-but-not-quite up to my elbows. MY FINGERS WILL NEVER GET COLD TYPING AGAIN.

hope that you've had an equally wonderful day, Lokii out.
EDIT: It wouldn't let me use all my lables and so, petty creature that I am, I'm putting them up here:
Faintly Macabre, FM, Lokii, quote, reverse insomnia, superstitious townsfolk, The Lottery, hobo gloves, awesome gloves, the color of dark red, rant, I should be doing something else right now, hai, why are you still reading this?, writing, winter, never again, ungodly hours

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I sort of suck, but not really

I really should make a new post. I should have done that today, but too many things were going on. I'm taking a break from them to type this. I want to go and decorate cookies in a sec. Tomorrow I probably won't post either. Maybe on the 26th though. If I do I'll most likely be complaining about my reverse insomnia.
I was going to post a meme here, but my computer is being a jerk and not letting me open up Microsoft.
(it's in Christmas colors because that's what I'm celebrating. If it's not what you're celebrating, than have a good day anyways. I know I will.)

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Hap-happiest Season (winter break that is)

yes, that's right! It's finally here! The moment I've been waiting for! 2-3 weeks of unbridled ADVENTURE. Or in other words, finals week has been vanquished (for now) and winter break has begun. Glee is just oozing out of my pores right now.
Nice mental imaged huh?
well, glad you think so. You can keep it. It's actually kinda gross now that I think about it.
where was I...?
Ah yes, so anyway, here I am before I go and stuff my face with leftover celebration pizza, are the highlights of my week. I was going to draw them, but they turned out to be harder to draw than I thought they would so I may do that later, or I may, lazy fish skeleton that I am, do something completely different.
but anyways...
Monday- the only day I had without finals. ALSO: stuff just so 'mazing I got amnesia over it, and can't remember anything extraordinary about that day at all. Stupid Mondays...

Tuesday- Okay, first, you know how you see people in their car, driving and at the same time they'll be talking on their cell phones, eating, putting on makeup, giving themselves sponge baths, ect? Yeah, well on Tuesday, my mom and I were waiting in the car line at my little brother's middle school, and my mom points out this lady who has her leg up on the dash board of her car and her pant leg rolled up. We both stare at her like creepers, because obviously we want to know what she's doing. We found out. She was plucking her leg hairs with a pair of tweezers. 0_o
and so, not only did this give me a wonderful story to tell, it also made me feel like a responsible driver. (a note- I'm not old enough to legally drive, but my dad is teaching me.)

Wednesday- an overheard conversation:
Random Kid (talking on cell phone)- ...I thought you were my friend who picks me up...yeah, I'll delete this number, I don't know how I got it... I'm terribly sorry...
first time I'd ever heard someone say 'terribly sorry' in a sincere manner. Hmm.
(can you tell nothing really happened on Wednesday?)

Thursday- Janitor's with Thick Irish Accents! Jokes! Eating Sandwiches on the Floor! Accidentally Poking Myself in the Eye! What fun! What Pain!

Friday- Chocolate from my locker partner (she da best <3)!>

Friday, December 11, 2009

Mah Angst

I tend to get ideas in the middle of the night or just as I'm about to fall asleep. Ideas that I know I will have forgotten by the time I wake up, and so (with the exception of one very, very, confusing night) instead of staying up all night so that I don't forget, I keep I notebook by my bed to record the things in.
50% of the time, I can only make out half (if at all) of what I wrote.
25% of it is utter nonsense (i.e.-to make it up to lily, just get her some of the tacos from the cat. And I don't know a lily)
15% of it's something I actually needed to remember/a good idea
10% of the time it's something completely random.
Thursday morning it was of the 10% variety. A poem. I wrote a poem. Wow. I have no words for me.
Thursday, I debated about putting it up here.
Friday, I decided to put it up, so as to not do my homework right away
So here it is, but just a warning. This is full of teenage angst. It's like I poured out my bleeding, misunderstood, heart onto it, and so, if your, like, a teacher or a parent or something you totally won't get it. CAUSE AHM JUST SO MISUNDERSTOOD, YA'KNOW?
so much so that I've added a little quote by Alex Wendzel, who wrote these deep, meaningful, also misunderstood song lyrics:

Nobody seems to care that stuff sucks, yeah...
I'm so angry 'cuz of all my problems...
Oh yeah, high school is stupid and boring...
And hey, guess what? Nothing rhymes with "problems"...

Rock on man, rock on. -nods head appreciatively- and so, with out any further (and misunderstood) ado....

Ah, snow, I love you so,
from my head to my remaining eight toes.

Ah, Winter, I love you dear,
though your penchant to freeze
my blood gives me something to fear.

Ah, Cold, I love you forever and then,
though you may just do this barefoot girl in.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Here I am in all my wonderful, fish-like glory! It's just like a photograph, in't it? Well, at least it would be if I wasn't a big fish skeleton. But I've said to much already. Since I last posted, I have scaned, outlined, colored, shaded, and uh, backgrounded. I have also put on a coat. My fingers are still numb.
ah yes, the picture:

Snow Day! Oh What Joy! What Rapture!

First, I will start off by saying that today had been more awesome than a barrel of monkeys, which actually, doesn't sound awesome. Let me try that again. Today has been more awesome than a room with a moose (if you get the reference, then you are also that awesome). As the title of this states, today has been a snow day, containing all the wonderful snow day type things with it"
-high school = cancellation :3
-6 pages of LWF typed up (rock!)
-reckless tomfoolery and shenanigans
-creating a new RP character

Unfortunately, school was cancelled because of a blizzard, so I couldn't play in the snow (I heard that, and your wrong. I'm not immature. I still go trick-or-treating. Immature doesn't even cover it)
Also bad: Snow and winter (though I love both dearly) are both very, very cold. I am currently shivering, sniffing and misspelling things because my fingers are numb. Excuses me for a moment, I must sit on them. I also did a nifty little doodle of myself that I think I shall scan, possible color and possibly post. Or maybe I'll just be lazy.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh look, I'm not dead yet. Good for me.

hmm...I'm actually posting...there may be hope for this yet...
I'm writing my nano story right now...well, typing it up really. I have about 20K of it in a notebook, so now I get to try and deciper my own handwriting so I can get everything up. I'm actually pleased on how it's going, if you can believe that. There's one part which I just need to cut out, but that would require not only a libral use of the backspace key (yes, i know about highlighting it. I'm just saying) but I would also have to sew up the area around that, but I want to get my notebook typed up first, so I'll be doing that next. I just hope that I can start typing my actual story again, and soon, because I had just gotton to a big, dramatic part where my character is giving his big 'I'm an immortal Elder, and there is a demon running lose in the city' speech that I've been waiting to write.
but anyway, umm... here have some filler doodle. the girl is they one immortal guy's neice, Hermies. She's a librarian with a swearing problem. If you enjoyed that tidbit, good, if not, go eat a carrot: Their good for your eyes (or so I've been told)

Friday, December 4, 2009

You may never hear from me again, but its okay

So this is it. I now have a blog. I've figured that it's about time I got one. I really don't know if I'll stick with it. I love to ramble, but I'm also very forgettful. Of course, I also love to procrastinate so who knows, this may work out after all. Blogs are great places to ramble, and that of course is what I am doing right now. A few things that you can expect from me, should I actually use this, which is quite doubtful:
- Drawings. I love to draw, sketch, doodle in general. And you get to see it. Aren't you lucky.
(the answer, in case you're wondering is no. You are not lucky it the slightest for this)

- Writing tidbits. I enjoy writing. I've recently started up again. Fun stuff.

-Memes (writing and drawing). My choice procrastination and anti-drug. 'nuff said.

-random crap.

