Sunday, December 27, 2009

Artsies =3

I was looking at my blog and I noticed it looked rather drab, so I decided to get some of my character designs for Faintly Macabre down (book I'm writing, or rather, outlining) and mess with some different brushes. And yes, that is Warren's enormous cowlick, not a strange new growth.

NOTE: my computers been doing weird things when I try to sign into blogspot, and so today I enlisted my dad to help. He got it fixed, and also found out that I have a blog. My mom didn't know either. This is because I didn't tell anyone.
They asked me why, and if it was weird and I said that it might be (weird), but that's because I'm writing this based on the assumption that nobodies reading it.
My dad then compared this to streaking in your basement.
That, dear readers (no, this is not contradictory. It is merely me when I pretend you're reading. Yes, you.) is the bast comparison I have heard all year. Best one I've ever heard in my life in fact. But the real question is does that make you, the (possibly imaginary) reader feel awkward?
(remember, in this comparison, you are the creepy people who are peeking through the windows, watching me streak in the basement)
YET ANOTHER NOTE: oh, and yes, Marla can talk without opening her mouth. She's just that cool

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