Friday, December 18, 2009

The Hap-happiest Season (winter break that is)

yes, that's right! It's finally here! The moment I've been waiting for! 2-3 weeks of unbridled ADVENTURE. Or in other words, finals week has been vanquished (for now) and winter break has begun. Glee is just oozing out of my pores right now.
Nice mental imaged huh?
well, glad you think so. You can keep it. It's actually kinda gross now that I think about it.
where was I...?
Ah yes, so anyway, here I am before I go and stuff my face with leftover celebration pizza, are the highlights of my week. I was going to draw them, but they turned out to be harder to draw than I thought they would so I may do that later, or I may, lazy fish skeleton that I am, do something completely different.
but anyways...
Monday- the only day I had without finals. ALSO: stuff just so 'mazing I got amnesia over it, and can't remember anything extraordinary about that day at all. Stupid Mondays...

Tuesday- Okay, first, you know how you see people in their car, driving and at the same time they'll be talking on their cell phones, eating, putting on makeup, giving themselves sponge baths, ect? Yeah, well on Tuesday, my mom and I were waiting in the car line at my little brother's middle school, and my mom points out this lady who has her leg up on the dash board of her car and her pant leg rolled up. We both stare at her like creepers, because obviously we want to know what she's doing. We found out. She was plucking her leg hairs with a pair of tweezers. 0_o
and so, not only did this give me a wonderful story to tell, it also made me feel like a responsible driver. (a note- I'm not old enough to legally drive, but my dad is teaching me.)

Wednesday- an overheard conversation:
Random Kid (talking on cell phone)- ...I thought you were my friend who picks me up...yeah, I'll delete this number, I don't know how I got it... I'm terribly sorry...
first time I'd ever heard someone say 'terribly sorry' in a sincere manner. Hmm.
(can you tell nothing really happened on Wednesday?)

Thursday- Janitor's with Thick Irish Accents! Jokes! Eating Sandwiches on the Floor! Accidentally Poking Myself in the Eye! What fun! What Pain!

Friday- Chocolate from my locker partner (she da best <3)!>

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