Friday, December 25, 2009

Townsfolk=evil incarnate= ><((((º> ???

Hey, look, I'm posting :D
but anyways...
so, a couple nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night. This happens to me a lot. I know there are a bunch of insomniacs, people who can't fall asleep, but I wonder if I'm the only one who will wake up during ungodly hours of the night and can't get back to sleep?
It's annoying. Though, this specific time a couple nights ago, I decided that I was going to do something constructive with my time, so from 1:45 AM to 4:55 AM, I wrote a plot outline.
Something I'm noticing now that I'm typing it up is that, well, my towns people are evil. Just look:
- Superstitious townsfolk afraid, and so decide to sacrifice baby to appease spirits
o Leave it on doorstep

... 0_o
and it's not just in this story. In almost every other story I've written/drawn that has small, rural villages in it, the people who live in them are they types of people who, when something is new or different, (usually in reaction to my main characters though) they respond with torches, pitchforks, and rally around the cry of "Not like us!" They're also really superstitious. Always. I dunno if it's just a reoccurring plot device or what,, I'm going over some of my other stuff. My townsfolk are just evil. There's no other way to put it.
I'm not complaining about this or anything, I actually kinda like how I tend to write, violent, superstitious, arsonistic (what? dude, that's totally a word), unaccepting towns. I think it adds character. After all, The Lottery is a classic, and horrible townspeople is their whole plot. That and the whole, town lottery thing.
Still, in case you ever get stuck in one of my books, I suggest that if you are anything but the most normal person ever and a cousin of at least two people in town, to not stay in any small, rural towns.
Because that's totally something that would happen.
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! For christmas today I got these absolutly amazing gloves. They're knit, dark red, and the fingers are left open. They're like hobo gloves, except they're nice and they go almost-but-not-quite up to my elbows. MY FINGERS WILL NEVER GET COLD TYPING AGAIN.

hope that you've had an equally wonderful day, Lokii out.
EDIT: It wouldn't let me use all my lables and so, petty creature that I am, I'm putting them up here:
Faintly Macabre, FM, Lokii, quote, reverse insomnia, superstitious townsfolk, The Lottery, hobo gloves, awesome gloves, the color of dark red, rant, I should be doing something else right now, hai, why are you still reading this?, writing, winter, never again, ungodly hours

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